مقالات بین المللی پذیرفته شده مقالات شفاهی نشست ملی مقالات پوستری نشست ملی محورها و راهنمای ارسال مقاله
اخبار کنفرانس
عنوان : عضویت پروفسور جوزپه مارزو (دانشگاه فرارا ایتالیا) در کمیته علمی کنفرانس
تاریخ ارسال : ۱۳۹۲ يازدهم مرداد
متن خبر :

   We are pleased to introduce Prof. Giuseppe Marzo as the new member of IICM2013 scientific committee

   Prof. Marzo (PhD, Ca’ Foscari University –Venice; MBA) is a tenured researcher and a Professor of Business Economics and Management and of Business Strategy at the University of Ferrara

   Prof. Marzo research is currently devoted to business valuation topics, intangibles management and valuation, finance methodology and the theory of the firm. On the same topics he has also offered consultancies to medium-sized and large-sized companies. He has worked on Real Options Analysis and Valuation within the context of strategy, strategic and management control systems, and organization

   Prof. Marzo is interested in the management and the valuation of intangibles since 2003. He has worked on the problem of valuation of intangible asset, and their accounting, especially analysing the impairment test of intangible asset based on Real Options Analysis and Valuation. He’s actually interested in the analysis of intangible resources in strategic management, and in particular in their double nature as both enhancers of a firm’s competitive advantage and as core rigidities for firm

   Prof. Marzo is also working on theory of the firm and its relationships with finance and intangibles valuation and management.He has presented his work in several international congresses and has published on the above topics. Some of his recent publications are listed below.

G. Marzo, The market-to-book value gap and the accounting fallacy, Journal of Intellectual Capital, 2013 (to be published)

G. Marzo, A commentary on “Accounting forvalue” - by Stephen Penman, Accounting, Economics and Law – a CONVIVIUM,  2013 (to be published)

G. Marzo, Teorie d’azienda e politiche finanziarie, Franco Angeli, 2012

G. Marzo, A Commentary on “Contextualising the Intermediate Accounting Courses in the Financial Crisis”, Accounting Education,20:5, pp. 511-514, 2001

G. Marzo (with Y. Biondi), Decision Making Using Behavioral Finance for Capital Budgeting Valuation, in H. K. Baker and P.English (Editors), Capital Budgeting Valuation: Financial Analysis for Today’s Investment Projects, Robert W. Kolb Series in Finance, John Wiley & Sons,Inc., pp. 421-444, 2011

G. Marzo, Economics and Finance of the Firm as an Entity, in Y. Biondi, A. Canziani e T. Kirat (a cura di), The Economics of the Firm: Analysis, Evolution, and History, Routledge, London and NY, 2007

S. Zambon e G. Marzo (Eds.), Visualising Intangibles: Measuring and Reporting in the Knowledge Economy, Ashgate Publishing Ltd, Aldershot-UK

We are fortunate to have been able to have someone with such experience and expertise

Thank you for joining our scientific committee, Giuseppe


Jalil Khavand kar- Scientific Committee Chair

International Conference on Intellectual Capital Management-IICM

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