Title : Closing Ceremony of 2nd International Conference on Intellectual Capital Management(IICM2010) is started
Date inserted : 10/6/2010
News content :

This year’s conference, whichattracted more than 315 research papers from USA,Canada, Mexico, United Kingdom, Malaysia, South Africa, India, Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nigeria, Kyrgyzstan, Morocco, Cameron, Afghanistan and Iraq and included representativesfrom 35 International science, research, education and culture organizations specially: InternationalOrganization for Science and Technology Education (IOSTE),Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO), Islamic World Science CitationDatabase(ISC), Regional Information Center for Science &Technology(IRSCT), IslamicDevelopment Bank(IDB),    InternationalUniversities and distinguished scientists and thinkers universities, public and private Science sectors,Science and Technology Parks and Government bodies, was hosted by the ZanjanScience and Technology Park.

The closing ceremony ofIICM2010 is being held right now.

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