About ICM & conference
    The intension for holding this conference is to clarify certain fundamental concept and also the adoption of managerial approaches in relation to the intellectual capital. Our objective is to introduce some in-depth researches in classification, management requirements and models for further defining and evaluating the intellectual capital.
    The intellectual capital has a wide range of elements which includes organizational culture, staff, managers, structures, capabilities, inter-organizational relations and cooperation, stakeholders, licenses and brands. On the other hand, one of the most important aspects of managing the intellectual capital is the evaluation of the intellectual capital of the organization itself. But since the evaluation of the intellectual capital includes monetary and financial indices, therefore these models consists of financial and accounting models to operational but non financial models.
    This conference attempts to review the essence and features of knowledge which will be a gate way for further research in the phenomenological characteristics of enterprises in the knowledge based economy. Then based on this stand, we offer further study about the new features and forms of novel resources in such economies. In the framework of this study, attention can be paid to the concept and history of intangible assets and hence their roles and their effects. In continuation, it can be recommended to concentrate on the concept, history, elements and classification framework of intellectual capital and discussing about its different views and approaches. Human capital, structural capital, information and knowledge assets/ capital are issues that could be separately studied for the purpose of in depth review of intellectual capital itself.
    Some other discussions would begin with a review of the concept of the intellectual capital management with emphasis on its boundaries and requirements. In this issue, discussing intellectual capital management from the view of knowledge management and its common boundaries with intellectual capital is recommended. Culture has a strong impact on the intellectual capital, therefore it can be considered as a platform for the interrelationships between the different elements of intellectual capital.
    This will lead to the next issue which covers the succeeding part of the intellectual capital management studies which is called culture management. Following this, the organizational learning as an empowering framework for increasing knowledge and intellectual capital can be discussed. In this process, some researches could be concentrated on recognizing the critical role of the organizational capability and its impact on the capacity of the development of intellectual capital. Concentration on the inter-organizational cooperation as the most important aspect of organizational capacity in relation to communicational – structural capital and discussing about the necessities of management of these capacities for the development of intellectual capital is offered.
    Interpretation of principals and procedures for measuring performance and discussing about asset accounting as a background to intellectual capital measurement should be followed by an extensive discussion of intangible assets and intellectual capital accounting, which would explain the strengths and weaknesses of different accounting system capabilities in evaluating the intangible asset and intellectual capital. Different accounting possibilities of those assets also can be discussed by the means of realization of different aspects of intellectual capital measurement.
     There are five groups of models for measuring intellectual capital which includes market investment, direct intellectual capital, return on assets, balance score card and visual models, explaining methods for implementation, indices, measures and the strength and weaknesses of all models should be mentioned, also recognizing the prescribed models and the explanation for the above mentioned factors and introducing the overall model for measuring knowledge capital and asset in the purpose of offering the measuring tools in the field of intellectual capital are offered.
     There are some interdisciplinary topics about the relationship between intellectual capital and other fields so further studies are offered in Society & IC which covers: Identity and IC, Socio -technical frameworks, Experiential learning, Participatory learning, Culture and Ethics Management, Social Networks, Mapping, analysis and Social epistemology, Novelty, Knowledge society, IC and national/ethnic culture, National policies and IC, Economy & IC which covers: Intellectual capital of nations, regions and cities, Deregulation, Liberalization and Privatization, Intellectual Capital and Stock Markets, Knowledge economy, IC across boundaries, Intellectual Capital and Global Economy, Finance and Intellectual Capital, Law & IC which covers: Intellectual Property Rights(IPRs), Brands and Trademarks Laws, Memorandum and Agreement, Patents and Goodwills, New Alliances, Management & IC which covers Benefits and limitations of the intellectual capital metaphor, Intangible assets and resources, Strategic alignment, Intra/Inter organizational relationships, Value Chain & IC, Intellectual Capital Development, Architectures for IC Systems, New Aspects of Knowledge Management, Integration of knowledge from different groups in an organization, Knowledge creation and sharing mechanisms, Customer Knowledge Management, Learning Organization, Human Capital Management, Brands Management, Management of Innovation and Intellectual Property, Alliance Management, KM Skill: Leadership, Coaching, Mentorship,…, Technology Management, Cross-cultural KM, IC centers across the globe, and finally in Entrepreneurship & IC which covers: Intellectual capital for universities and research/ manufacturing/ health/ sport/ art/ cultural … organizations, IC and entrepreneurship, IC and KM case studies, Business Philosophy and IC , resourcing, E Families and IC, and researches in order of other interdisciplinary fields.
     It seems to us, this conference will be useful for managers and analysts of stock market, top and middle managers- especially financial managers of private and public sector, entrepreneurs,lawyers, inventors, patent owners, accountants, teachers and students of related fields. The committee hopes that holding this conference will be effective for organizations to manage and measure the intellectual capital. Naturally we predicted that the novelty of these issues will tail some challenges. We will appreciate if you inform us of your views and comments and our special thanks for sending your researches in this field. We will use your comments and views.
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